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Writer's pictureKristin Anderson

What if?

"What if?" is one of my most precious tools.

This is a tool that looks fear in the face.

Fighting fear has been one of my lifes challenges. I've had alot of opportunities to grow here, but, as the saying goes, "new level, new devil".

The last few months I had found myself on the precipise of a new era calling me to jump into something very public, polarizing, revolutionary, edggy and triggering. And not just for me! For people all over the world. I am talking about sex. I am being called to reintegrate people into their divine sexual nature, anchored in the highest vibration for the new era we are moving into. To raise the vibration of the Earth and all it's inhabitants.

I am certainly not the first person to be talking about sex, but talking about it publicly is certainly a triggering thing for me. What am I afraid of? Well, the list is long. What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if this gets too big for me to handle and I crumble? What if I get death threats? What if I get killed? What if they call me a witch? What if they laugh at me? Who do I think I am anyway? What if I get captured and locked up again? What if I lose everything? What if I die?

How can talking about sex lead to death? That's so ridiculous! Yes and no! These secrets are high level paths that lead to power. Real power. Power to change the way we live on this planet. People die when they reveal these secrets. So, it IS scary.

But facing fear is the name of the game, so here it goes. I'm going to do this practice right here so you can see it and do it in your own life, with your own fears.

What if?

  1. Make a list of all the negative things that are stopping you from your desires or calling. List your fears! Like my list above. (What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if this gets too big for me to handle and I crumble? Can I handle a big business? What if I get death threats? What if I get killed? What if they call me a witch? What if they laugh at me? Who do I think I am anyway? What if I get captured and locked up again? What if I lose everything? What if I die?)

  2. Ponder the worst case scenario. My worst case scenario is... I get locked up again. Yes, for me that would be worse than death. What is the likely hood of this REALLY happening again? Hmmm. Not very likely! Another worst case is haters, hate mail, death threats. That WILL happen. So, I can be ready for that, have boundaries in place. Death? Well, is the cause worth it? I suppose the elevation of the humanity and our planet is a worthy cause, but again, how really likely would it be?

  3. Now list what willl happen if you DON'T go after these desires or calling? For me this is easy. I will live a life full of anxiety, knowing that I didn't answer my calling. I will remain exactly where I am and my personal growth will cease. I willl not put any of my deep wisdom into a loving offering for all humanity. I will not help at all. I will die an empty shell of a life not fully lived. I will die a small, selfish, timid being with that famous regret... I wish I had done what I wanted to do and didn't care what anyone else thought.

Well. That's pretty clear. I will NOT die an empty shell! HA! As if! I don't have time for that! This excercise is an easy fix! But you have to be aware enough to actually DO IT!

My mission is activating the sacred divinity of sexuality for humankind! In pleasure, in conception, in birthing, in manifesting!

What's yours?

Zero in on it and - let's - fucking - GO!!



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